Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Caller is apparently still around and as much filled with assholery as it has ever been. Displaying an unearthly amount of misogynistic racism, they reached a new low yesterday with a slideshow entitled “13 Syrian Refugees We’d Take Immediately.” Republicans have finally revealed what it would take for them to allow refugees into the Land of the Free – some really nice boobage. The kind souls at The Daily Caller are not unsympathetic to the plight of refugees being refused entry to certain states in America: “While a growing list of governors are claiming they won’t allow Syrian refugees to enter their states, we think these women might make them change their minds.” Why? “They are Syria-sly hot.”
This tweet nicely sums up both problems with this article:
It is not news that women are held to a much stricter physical standard than men and that their successes in life are far more contingent on their adherence to whatever beauty ideal rules the day. But the bounds of human decency should prevent these social rules from applying, in the very least, to the millions of refugees who have, in many cases, spent several years applying, waiting, and interviewing, all the while enduring interrogation, humiliation, and abuse. The motto of the United States was once E pluribus unum (Out of many, one). There was no “except ugly women” caveat.
Images via The Daily Caller and Twitter
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