Huffington Post’s new interactive feature, inspired by badass artist Sophia Wallace’s Cliteracy project, takes us on a mind-blowing tour of the clitoris. The feature provides readers with history, anatomy, and a discussion of the culture surrounding sex education today (plus lots of awesome videos).
“[Cliteracy] is a mixed media project that explores a paradox; the global obsession with sexualizing female bodies in a world that is illiterate when it comes to female sexuality,” says Wallace. “The project reveals the phallic-as-neutral bias in science, law, philosophy, politics, mainstream and even feminist discussion, and the art world–which is so saturated with the female body as subject.”
The feature is much needed, considering that as a society we know next to nothing about the clit: As many as three quarters of vagina-owners can’t orgasm from vaginal penetration alone, and yet this is the way we as a culture most often define “sex.” Wallace’s Cliteracy project and the Huffington Post feature seek to shift this cultural definition and spread awareness (or rather, cliteracy) about the clitoris and female pleasure. The clit is the only organ in the human body that exists purely for pleasure, and that’s pretty rad–it’s time to give it way more affection and care.
Image via HuffPost c/o Sophia Wallace