I heard that this collaboration was not happening through some random internet source that no one backed up a while back and I assumed was just a rumor, but now it is a rumor no more. Tavi Gevinson of Style Rookie and Jane Pratt of XoJane.com once talked of creating a Sassy-like website and magazine for teens headed by Miss Gevinson. When XoJane.com launched, readers were confused that Tavi was nearly no where to be found, but hype was still building for some kind of collaboration. Now it seems that Tavi has decided against working with XoJane’s parent corporation, Say Media, and would rather stay more independent. Her magazine for teens, titled Rookie, will still happening though, just without corporate company involvement. “It was just that I want to have full control, and it’s important to me that we’re independent, not so that we can be indie and ‘down with the Man,’ but because I find a lot of comfort knowing that it’s all in my control,” said Gevinson in a statement. She also told Women’s Wear Daily that she’d still love for Pratt to be involved, but “right now that’s something that has to be worked out between her and Say [Media].”
Personally, I think that’s pretty brave. Tavi seems to be taking charge of her project in a very mature, smart way and as her first real project, I can definitely understand wanting full control. I’m excited to see what she turns out! Rookie is meant to launch next month as an online magazine and will eventually branch out into a bi-yearly print publication.
[Source: The Frisky/Fashionista]
[Photo: The Blay Report]