Super Mamika! The tale of a grandma, her grandson, and a superhero costume

by Intern Julie

   I love cute old people. I collect them like other people collect glass figurines or beany babies (do beany babies still exist?). 

I’d age 50 years and move in with the Golden Girls if I could. Appropriately enough, when I saw the pictures of Sacha Goldberger’s 91-year old Hungarian grandma, Frederika Golberger, in a superhero costume, I melted.

   What started out as a photoshoot designed to cheer-up his depressed Grandmother became a mass-therapy session for the internet. The photos have gone viral; and Goldberger has even been approached by Hollywood BigWigs asking to spin the story into a feature film. The pictures Goldberger took of his Grandma are touchingly absurd, but it is Frederika’s charisma and joie de vivre that has caused her internet celebrity; with strangers messaging her on myspace saying things like: You’re the grandmother that I have dreamed of, would you adopt me?” and ” You made my day, I hope to be like you at your age.”

   Sacha happily reports that, since the photoshoot, his grandma  “has never shown any signs of depression.” My heart feels a little lighter, too, Goldberger. 

You can check more Super Mamika! photos here and here.


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