Sandra Bernhard is funny when she cusses

by Kelly McClure

Dragging someone who is vocal about hating comedy to a comedy show, in three degree weather, is potentially more of a laugh riot than said show could ever hope to be; however, when my friend and I braved the icy NYC winds to see Sandra Bernhard perform a sold out show at Joe’s Pub last night, she for sure managed to pull off entertaining us even better than we entertain ourselves. 

Live comedy can be a painful, awkward, mortifying experience, and yet certain performers can cause their audience to nearly choke on their plate of french fries (Joe’s is one of those places where you have to buy stuff,) just by reading newspaper clippings, which Sandra did during the end of her show. I have seen Sandra perform once before and her formula was pretty much the same this time around, which isn’t a bad thing. A song will be performed, then some jokes, then another song, then some more jokes, and before you know it – you’ve wet yourself.  

Highlights of the evening include the elderly gay couple waiting in line outside to get in prior to the show who took a break from complaining about the cold to remark on how Sandra is sexy because she has big lips. Also memorable was a guest appearance by Justin Bond, who vulnerably stumbled through a duet with Sandra. For an encore, Sandra emerged from the wings in a white coat with a top hat on, wielding a whip, to perform a rousing rendition of Britney Spears’ “Circus.” I thought my eyeballs were going to fall out of my head.

Joe’s Pub is hosting Sandra for two more nights, but tickets are selling out quick. If you are having a hard time deciding between staying home and doing the back stroke in a tub of ice cream on NYE, or hitting the town – I would suggest checking out this show for a little pre-game. 

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