I’ve read several stories on the Gulabi Gang, basically a bunch of pink sari wearing female vigilantes from one of the poorest areas in northern India, and here is another one that appears in this months Vice magazine.
The story includes interviews with the gang members, like founder, Sampat Pal Devi, "First we go to the police and request that they do something. But since the administration is against the poor people of our country, we often end up taking matters into our own hands. We first speak to the husband who is beating his wife. If he doesn’t understand then we ask his wife to join us while we beat him with lathis."
The ladies are bad ass, and trying to rasie money for their poor enclave, "If I get funded, I can set up a stitching center for women who can then support their families. The future of the Gulabi Gang is bright. It’s a people’s movement and will grow bigger and bigger in the future provided we get support from the local administration."
It’s a fascinating story of poor women sticking up for each other and the injustices that they have to deal with every day. click here to read the entire article.
PS. beware of some of the inane comments left on the vice boards from a few winning readers, stuff like "no wonder they hate men, they are so ugly"