The Next President Of The Philippines Said He ‘Should Have Been First’ To A Gang Rape

by Alyssa Spizzirro

Want to know what’s terrible? Rape jokes. Want to know what’s worse? Making a joke about raping the victim/survivor of a horrific gang rape. The leading candidate for president in the Philippines, Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte, recently sparked controversy for statements made about an incident occurring at the Davao City Jail while he was mayor.

Brace yourself, because what happened was extremely violent and horrific. According to a report by the Chicago Tribune, inmates overtook guards and their weapons to took 15 church workers hostage. The workers were holding a Bible service, and of the hostages including Jacqueline Hamill. The inmates gang raped her and slashed her throat. When discussing her violent murder and rape, CNN reported that Duterte said:

“They raped the women, so the first assault because they retreated, they used the bodies as cover, one of those was the body of the Australian woman lay minister. Tsk, this is a problem. When they went out, they wrapped the body. I looked at the face, son of a b*tch she looks like a beautiful American celebrity. Son of a b*tch, what a waste. I thought, they raped her, they lined up to her. I was angry she was raped, yes that was one thing. But she was so beautiful, I think the mayor should have been first. What a waste.”

In a country accustomed to graft and political corruption, the criticism of machismo and an intolerance to rape jokes suggest that Duterte may be just as polarizing of a candidate as ape and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. While rival candidates have criticized him for his statements, the unsettling audacity of Duterte is enough wonder why anyone would ever support this monster.

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