o.b. or not o.b.:help build the tampon tracker
By now you probably know about the Great Tampocolypse of 2011 — the mysterious disappearance of o.b. tampons from drugstore’s shelves. But since that post was written, the o.b. peeps have updated their site. Now it reads:
“To our valued customers: o.b.® tampons are now shipping. There may be a delay of a few days or weeks to reach your area, but we are working with retailers across the country to restock store shelves as soon as possible. Please refer back here for additional updates.”
So, this means that the “temporary manufacturing interuption” or whatever their excuse was is over. I don’t know how long it will take for the tamps to get into a store near you, but I thought we could try tracking their appearance on this map. If and when you find o.b. in your local drugstore, please click “add” and post its location here.
<iframe frameborder=0 style=’width:100%;height:500px;’ src=’http://www.zeemaps.com/pub?group=204970&geosearch=1&x=-98.4375&y=36.5979&z=13&h=purple,blue,yellow,green,light%20green,light%20blue,light%20yellow,light%20purple,white,brown,black,grey,orange,red%20dust,spring,maize,olive,tree,forest,mold,teal,sky,cloud,lavender,fuscia,sunset,burgundy,lilac,sunflower,candle&simpleadd=1&nopdf=1′></iframe>