New Condom Line To Promote A Culture of Consent

by Claire Filipek

Force: Upsetting Rape Culture is a brilliantly creative activist group that advocates against all forms of sexual violence. Force’s mission is “to disrupt the silence that surrounds sexual violence” and “promote a culture of consent.” From this core belief to their intelligent artistic approaches, Force’s aggressive message is so important I think it should be plastered on the walls and shouted from the rooftops… or at the very least, spread throughout social media outlets.

The nonprofit released a new line of Consent Condoms!, which were made in collaboration with Say It With A Condom. Each condom wrapper contains a slogan like “Ask Before Unwrapping” “Consent is Hot; Assault is Not”, and “Drinking is Not a Crime, Rape is.”


“The goal here is to upset rape culture by making a conversation about consent an essential, sexy part of any hook-up,” says Benjamin Sherman, founder of Say It With A Condom. “We knew Force was the right partner for this campaign because we have the same end goals. We’re both trying to encourage consent in unique, fun ways that are just crazy enough to make a real difference.”

This campaign is also a first-rate way to reiterate the importance of using protection. 

25% of the condom’s sales profits will go directly to the activist group. Additionally, for a limited time, you can purchase a consent condom and support Force’s Kickstarter for The Monument Quilt Tour.  According to their Tumblr, ” The Monument Quilt is a collection of stories from survivors of rape and abuse. By stitching our stories together we are creating a new culture where survivors are public supported rather than publicly shamed.”

Last year the nonprofit released a new underwear line called “Consent is Sexy.” This line paired with a fake Victoria’s Secret an ad campaign, featuring real women wearing underwear that read “Yes!”, “No!”, “Maybe” and “Ask First.” The campaign went viral, and accomplished the group’s essential goal to get people talking about consent, rape culture, and the sexual empowerment of women. May they continue to disrupt the norm! 

Images courtesy of Force and Say It With a Condom. 

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