Comedy genius Melissa McCarthy hosted Saturday Night Live for the fourth time on Saturday, and she blessed us with this sketch about pick up lines gone wrong. A bunch of ladies hit the bar to practice their new skills after taking a class in the art of picking up guys, and Melissa McCarthy’s awkward and aggressive character is unsuccessful, to put it mildly. If you want to learn from her next time you’re at a bar on a Saturday night, here are some things to avoid: stuffing your fingers into a guy’s mouth, licking his collarbone, mentioning that your uncle is a serial killer, and inviting him to a prison execution. Melissa McCarthy is so funny in this sketch that she makes Leslie Jones break character multiple times.
Oh, and now seems like a good time to tell you that Melissa McCarthy is BUST’s cover girl for April/May 2016. If you want to get the magazine early, subscribe to BUST now!
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