Judy Sheindlin, host of Judge Judy, announced that her smash hit daytime show will be ending in 2021 after 25 years on air. Judy also announced that she is moving onto a new project called Judy Justice but that she could not reveal anymore.
With Judge Judy ending, Twitter exploded with childhood nostalgia. Many were reminded of the days they spent home sick from school watching Judge Judy or late at night watching reruns with their parents.
Hearing that Judge Judy is ending her show is bittersweet for me. When I was young, I used to get sick a lot and have to stay home. Me and my babysitter would sit in my living room and watch Judge Judy all afternoon. Lots of great memories. #JudgeJudy #nostalgic
— Hannah Janisse (@HannahJanisse) March 2, 2020
Nothing say I’m growing up like Judge Judy announcing her show is ending. This show and her impact is GENERATIONAL pic.twitter.com/flDFSuaKJm
— Joshua Chenault (@joshuachenault1) March 2, 2020
Some even pointed out their favorite iconic Judge Judy moments:
PULL UP THE RECEIPTS #JudgeJudy pic.twitter.com/7vYnwnNA0p
— Jackson ?⚜️? (@jacko_boll) February 25, 2020
In memory of #JudgeJudy ending this will forever be a classic pic.twitter.com/i2IOd2aLnI
— Evan Gumpay (@somedudenamed_e) March 2, 2020
In over 17 years of Judge Judy, Sheindlin made $644 million. While we don’t know much about Judy’s next project, we know that it will be just as success if not more so than the iconic show that will live on in our hearts forever.
Don’t judge me unless you’re Judy. Thanks for the 25 seasons ❤️ #JudgeJudy pic.twitter.com/7juwaVWWqL
— Mychal (@mychal3ts) March 2, 2020
Header image via IMdB.
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