Hobby Lobby, the company behind the Supreme Court’s anti-contraception ruling, has been profiting from the same contraception products that they sought to deny from the Affordable Care Act.
What??? A corporation causing a big, sexist stink about preserving its religious beliefs, only to secretly and hypocritically make money off of the contraceptives it was protesting in the first place?? Shocking!
A Mother Jones report reveals that Hobby Lobby owns stock in companies that manufacture the emergency contraception pills (Plan B and Ella) and intrauterine devices that it removed from its employee healthcare coverage. It holds these stocks in mutual funds that put money into its employee’s 401(k) retirement plans.
And no, this isn’t an attempt to find the tiniest detail to call Hobby Lobby’s case illegitimate (even though they are quickly losing customers and fans). The company has made 73 million dollars from its investment in “abortion goods.”
Hobby Lobby backed its Supreme Court complaint with “proof” that it distances itself from products that conflict with its religious beliefs. For example, the company does not sell shot glasses because its conservative values oppose heavy drinking.
And imagine – there are specific mutual funds designed for religious-leaning companies to invest in in order to stay away from contradictory stocks and stick to their beliefs. Hobby Lobby did not invest in any of these.
So while a woman’s sexual health is now firmly in the hands of her boss, companies get to profit on female employee’s out-of-pocket costs for birth control.
Nice job, Supreme Court. Way to do your research.
Images via nationofchange.org, Sarah Baker (via Twitter, @bakerbk), elle.com