“Hipster Godfather” Gavin McInnes Says “Feminism Makes Women Miserable”

by Katie Fustich

I guess we were overdue for a high-profile anti-feminist diatribe, huh? Well, looks like we have VICE Magazine co-founder Gavin McInnes to thank for the misogynistic tirade he gave during a Huffington Post liveblog last week. It only took a measly eight minutes for McInnes to prove he fears nothing more than a set of ovaries. 

The wise and worldly McInnes stated that feminism has made women “deeply unhappy” and that all a woman really wants to do (scientifically, of course) is stay at home and pop out a few babies for her bread-winning man. 

“We’ve trivialized childbirth and being domestic so much that women are forced to pretend to be men. They’re feigning this toughness. They’re miserable.” 

After all this time, it turns out we women aren’t acting tough to avoid rapists and creeps! We’re acting tough because men are telling us to go out and get jobs! Oh the splendors of the patriarchy! 

Naturally, his comments sparked outrage among any living creature with a comprehensive understanding of the word “equality.” So, in an effort to smooth things over, McInnes spoke to conservative news source the Daily Caller:

“I think a lot of women smash through the ‘glass ceiling’ and get to where [men] are and they go, ‘wait a minute, I thought you guys had brandy and went to strip clubs, you’re going over expense reports?’ And they see their friends from their small town with 3 kids going to soccer practice and they think, ‘That looks kind of cool, actually.'”

Wow, he really hits the nail on the head. After all, the only reason I have ever wanted success outside of domestic life is for all of the strip clubs and brandy! And don’t forget the golf outings! Love those. But it’s all a sham, you say?! I might as well move to Idaho and sign my kids up for little league, because clothes-shopping at Wal-Mart and doing the People crossword for the rest of my life is pretty damn appealing. All right–article over! I have seen the light!!

I mean come on. 

McInnes charmingly uses his wife’s body as a tool for his own irrelevant viewpoints. He says how his own job is useless in comparison to his wife’s job of “making life from her vagina.” (Psst! Gavin! Your job IS useless, but not because it doesn’t involve birthing children!) He goes on to say how the experience of having children has caused him to abandon his archaic pro-choice ways in favor of an anti-abortion route. He refers to abortion as a “trend” among his peers and says  “I’m sick of women who haven’t experienced [childbirth] trivializing it,” he said. Men talking about childbirth, however, is apparently a-ok.

You may be wondering what happened to this guy that turned him into such a Class-A toolbag. We’re still waiting to hear back on whether he was never hugged as a child, but in the meantime his own words seem to reveal the source of his malcontent:

“I think men are becoming beta males because feminists have told them to, but you’ll notice feminists don’t f*ck those guys.”

Ah, of course. Like any other women-hating animal, it really all comes down to the likelihood you will be able to stick your wiener in something. Sheesh, try and at least make it a surprise next time!

Now, why should we care, right? After all, he’s just another man with a silly mustache who seriously needs to get out of the little Youtube-video/tortoiseshell-glasses/IPA world he lives in.  But he isn’t just another man with a silly mustache–he’s the brain behind a vast amount of internet content that’s consumed by tons of men on a daily basis. And now, he’s branding himself as a face of the unfortunately-growing “male activist” community. While McInnes is giving every feminist another reason to hold fast to his or her beliefs, he’s also giving every misogynist a high-five. 

At the end of the day, Mr. McInnes, it’s not the fact that I’m a feminist that’s making me miserable, it’s the fact that you’re not. 

Thanks to Daily Life and Daily Caller.

Images via Daily Life and Greenpoint News.

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