hair today, gone tomorrow.

by Tara

It is an undeniable fact that we are a hairless generation. Unlike our predecessors who valued a full bush, it seems that gals today run to the razor at the slightest sight of stubble. And with brazillian waxing on the rise, more often than not, girls are choosing to go bare, down there. The advantages are that waxing tends to last longer (usually 2-3 weeks) and many admit that they feel "cleaner" with it all gone. And while one may jump to think that girls are doing this for the men in their life, most girls admit that they do it for themselves more than anything. And it doesn’t stop at the bikini, ladies are waxing their upper lips, eyebrows, underarms, toes, stomachs, and arms. Most salons say they’ll wax virtually any skin surface a client requests. And while the staffers here at BUST are split on the decision, among us are those who have gone years without shaving at all and those who maintain a crotch akin to a baby’s bottom, I can’t help but thinking…what is the deal with hair down there?

It’s also an undeniable fact that BUST readers are the smartest and the most forward-thinking…so I want to hear from you. Is keeping your hair a thing of the past that only our moms value? And if that’s the case, is the trend to be bare, one more thing that society tells women we should do and we do it? Because I admittedly feel the pressure to conform. Or is keeping/removing your hair down there one more thing that we have to fight for our right to chose?

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