I’ve been following the activities of One Million Moms ever since the group attacked JC Penney for hiring out lesbian Ellen DeGeneres as a spokeswoman. A branch of the American Family Association (officially classified as a hate group), the club of angry moms with too much time on their hands has since whined against JC Penney to no avail, got up in arms over a GAP ad featuring a gay couple, and decried an Urban Outfitters catalogue that included a lesbian kiss.
Most recently, the group was smashed by the rubble of a superhero busting down his closet door. That superhero is DC Comics’ Green Lantern.
This past Friday, the group of about 40,000 (I guess math isn’t its strong point, either) posted a warning on its Facebook page about the celebrated hero’s newfound fabulousness. Because, you know, he’s just going to start shooting laser beams out of those comic book pages and turn all of America’s children gay.
Though the group expected comments about eternal damnation and the end of the world as we know it, instead, hilarity ensued. And The New Civil Rights Movement has screenshots!
Dan Burney wrote, “Gay superheroes rule!”
Scott Ullrich followed with an, “Oh! I want to date him!”
One gut-busting comment by Meg Navitsky read, “Looks like I’m gonna go buy some new Green Lantern memorabilia from JC Penney!”
One question, Meg: Can I come with you?
And there was a whole lot more where that came from, according to The New Civil Rights Movement. Apparently, the entire page was bombarded by comments written by supporters of Green Lantern and LGBT people.
In reaction, the thoughtful team behind Forty Thousand One Million Moms deleted all of the positive comments, because the best way to deal with people who don’t agree with you is to make them disappear. Hear that, Jesus? Then, One Million Moms deleted the post and dropped off the Facebook of the earth, supposedly for Vacation Bible School. Is it just me, or does this sound like a cover for purging its page of the heathens?
Still, this has to be one of the most amusing moments since the National Organization for Marriage’s “Dump Starbucks” campaign, which actually caused the mega-chain’s stock to go up.
At this rate, gay marriage will dominate the states before we take a sip of that morning Cup of Joe and go for a run in our JC Penney gear.
(Image via the New York Post)