Hey Hollywood, yet another star is speaking out about the absurd amount of sexism in the entertainment industry. Maybe it’s time to get a grip? Emma Thompson, mega babe and actress extraordinaire, spoke to RadioTimes about how the discrimination has gotten worse in the years since she began her career. “When I was younger,” she said, “I really did think we were on our way to a better world and when I look at it now, it is in a worse state than I have known it, particularly for women and I find that very disturbing and sad.”
She recently played a 77-year-old prostitute in the film The Legend of Barney Thompson. Emma is only 56 and says that “it would be really nice to get someone who is actually 77 to play her, but it’s a wildly comic role and I couldn’t resist.” She admits that her being cast is “a bit ageist.”
Thompson is trying to help solve some of the sexism women face by getting “behind as many young female performers as I can.”
“Actually, a lot of the conversations I have with them are about exactly the fact that we are facing and writing about the same things and nothing has changed, and that some forms of sexism and unpleasantness to women have become more entrenched and indeed more prevalent,” she said.
Read more on BUST.com:
7 Tips For Fighting Sexism In Hollywood, Courtesy Of Rose McGowan
Zoe Saldana On The Sexist, Backhanded Reasons Women Get Hired In Hollywood
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