Do Not Want: How do you plan on avoiding the 9/11 commemorations?

by Debbie Stoller

I’m not going to go into detail about what things were like here in NYC on 9/11. Those of us who lived through it will never forget, and those who didn’t watched it on TV all day and have been reminded of it forever.

What I can tell you, though, is that I am not at all ready for an entire day of reliving those events. I’m still not ready to see it all on TV again. And neither are most of the folks I know. In fact, all I keep hearing is what people are planning to do to NOT watch TV on that day. So far I’ve heard the following:

1) going to the movies and going shopping

2) staying at home all day crafting with the TV off

3) going to the beach

4) listening to music and watching football

So, how about you? How are you planning on avoiding 9/11? Sticking your fingers in your ears and singing loudly? Or what?

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