Breaking: HuffPo Blogger Who Hates Women Who Bake Cupcakes and Garden…Bakes Cupcakes and Gardens!

by Debbie Stoller

Ladies, meet Peg Aloi. If you’ve been reading the internets in the past week, you may recognize her as the writer  who got the knitting, gardening, cupcake-baking, and feminist-thinking blogosphere in an uproar over an article she published at Huffington Post in which she asked, “Tough Gals: Do they still exist?” There, she basically called everything that is considered girly “weak,” and really pissed off a universe of cupcake baking, knitting, gardening tough gals.

Well, surprise, surprise. Turns out not only does Ms. Aloi keep a blog all about apple orchards   (a tough pursuit if ever I heard one!), but she also bakes cupcakes!


Now, just in case you think that perhaps this apple-loving, cupcake-baking Peg Aloi is a completely different Peg Aloi from the cupcake-hating Peg Aloi, I will backup my claims:

First, we have Peg’s bio on Huffington Post:


Then we travel over to the website for the College of Saint Rose, where we read:


And, finally, we check out the bio for the Peg Aloi over on How To Heroes, where the cupcake baking video was found:


ETA (new finding):

And if none of that was enough for you, here is Peg’s Linked In profile, in which she is clearly listed as both a BAKER AND A GARDENER!!! What the what!??!?

I’m sorry to have to have outed Peg as a closet weakling, but that’s just what tough gals do.

But of course, I also have to ask: Why Peg, why? Since you are one of us, why did you go and write that nonsensical rant over at HuffPo? Was it just to get some more publicity for two of your favorite blogs?

From the links listed at Peg’s Orchard website:


 From the Huffpo Story:

The whole situation is just so maddening, it brings to mind the “Gay Girl In Damascus” blog fiasco, in which it turned out that said gay girl in Damascus was actually a straight dude in Scotland. And then, it also turned out that the Lesbian blogging website which helped to promote said gay girl’s blog was also being run by a staight dude.

Is this just how HuffingtonPost is trying to get more hits under the new AOL regime? Was Peg forced to write the post under duress? Is she a self-hating girly girl? What?

Anyway, no worries, Peg. Welcome to the world of weak women. We accept you, we accept you. You’re one of us, one of us.  Gooble, gobble, gooble, gobble.

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