This Illustrator Explains To Bros Why They Need Feminism

by Meghan Sara

Rasenth is an illustrator, comic artist, and animator from California, currently living in Japan.  You’ve probably seen some of Razzy’s work on social media already, as these epic illustrated takedowns of sexism have been shared countless times across social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.  Since the comics made their debut on Razzy’s Tumblr in 2014, they have become required viewing for anyone who needs help explaining the subtle ways sexism affects everyone’s lives.

Of the first series, Razzy writes: “I felt so angry at the UCSB massacre and the sexism we’re blind to everyday so I drew about my opinions on sexism to channel my rage.”   The result is a crash course in why we need feminism, told through illustrations:

#YesAllWomen Rasenth 1

#YesAllWomen Rasenth 2

#YesAllWomen Rasenth 3

#YesAllWomen Rasenth 4


But wait, there’s more!  Feminists aim to dismantle the patriarchal system of oppression that harms people of all genders.  Too often, conversations about feminism are interrupted by men asking, What’s in it for me?  Many men fallaciously believe that they are being benefitted by the patriarchy and thus, object to feminism on principle.  WRONG-O WRONG-O WRONG-O!  Toxic masculinity is harmful in MANY ways.  Rasenth elaborates on this in the following comic, which was crafted as a response to the numerous negative comments the artist received on the previous series.  Keep this one in your pocket the next time a combative meninist asks, Why should I care about feminism?

toxic masculinity 1

toxic masculinity 2

toxic masculinity 3

toxic masculinity 5

toxic masculinity 6

toxic masculinity 7

Rasenth is a truly inspiring artist — not just for these drawings, but for keeping open to new ideas: “I’m not perfect. I’ve got a lot to learn, too. I made (and keep making) mistakes like any other flawed human being, but it’s thanks to my friends and people who are willing to talk about these issues that help me be more aware of my actions. I’m willing to learn and be positive! And I hope everybody else can be open as well. \o/”  We are so grateful to Razzy for letting us share these wonderful drawings! 

comics by Razzy, used with permission

 Published April 26, 2016

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