Well, shit. “The names and contact information for more than 300 Planned Parenthood employees have been published on a private website hosted by a group of hackers, part of an organization called 3301,” according to the Los Angeles Times. By publishing this confidential information, the hackers are putting the employees at risk for harassment and physical harm, endangering them and their families. As David Cohen and Krysten Connon wrote in an article about anti-abortion harassment, abortion providers have been “physically assaulted, picketed at home, threatened over the phone, and stalked around town.” Their children, their spouses, and even providers’ parents in nursing homes have been targeted as well.
Not only is this release dangerous on its own, but it quickly followed the release of videos by the CMP giving false information on Planned Parenthood and its legality. Any believer of these videos may be eager to target Planned Parenthood employees. As of right now, the information has only been released on a private website, but 3301 has plans to share this information publicly. Planned Parenthood has enlisted the help of the FBI and U.S. Justice Department to address this breach of security.
Images via Unrvox and Slate
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