‘I Am The HOLY WHORE’: Margaret Cho Tweets About Being A Sex Worker

by kaya payseno

Margaret Cho is blowing up the Twittersphere in support of a legalized sex-trade. These tweets might give you a new perspective on how you view sex-workers and the industry at large. Maybe our worries about prostitution are more to with our hang-ups and less about protecting people.

1. Could the sex-trade be empowering and not just exploitative?


2. Could prostitution be a way for victims of sexual abuse to reclaim power?


3. Why do we equate rape and prostitution?


4. Is the idea of a woman in charge of her own body just too scary?


5. Who shames sex workers and why?


6. Why don’t sex-workers deserve the same protection as other workers?


7. Is it anyone’s place to offer an unsolicited negative opinion on someone’s career choice?


8. Whose voice should really matter when we think about legalizing prostitution?


9. Could sex-work be just that, work?



Images via: Twitter

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