Watch Girlsplaining Sports, A Hilarious New Web-Series (TIMESUCK ALERT)

by Brittany Allen

Straight outta Bushwick, two up and coming lady comics have started another great new web-series. I’m talking about the satirical #Girlsplaining Sports, starring Kirin McCrory and Gemma Kaneko as two would-be sports news anchors. Only instead of sitting around a table saying ridiculous things about actual games, these two select “sports topics” from a mug of viewer suggestions and take thirty seconds to comment on the news item/practice/trend…in girl lingo. Meaning they make up what they don’t understand, to cheeky result.

Here’s the duo’s definition of their coined term, according to their Twitter page:

 Girlsplaining: portmanteau of ‘girl’ & ‘explaining,’ describes the act of a girl speaking to a man under rightful assumption that she’s funnier.

If you are a) an in-earnest sports fan with various bones to pick with ESPN commentary b) a fan of snarky women or c) consistently mystified as to the appeal of people running around bumping into one another and making money for this (or some fun combination of the above), Girlsplaining Sports is up your alley. Note that the ladies have chops, in addition to highly-tuned senses of humor: Kaneko is a sports writer for Cut4, a part of the MLB Network.

Highlights of the fourth episode (posted below) include an indictment of the Washington Redskins (or, in Kaneko’s estimate, the “Washington Racists”) and a lively critique of DeSean Jackson’s eagle abilities. Meaning, like, his ability to be an eagle. In terms of fish catching and nesting and whatnot. You can find the rest of the series on the ladies’ YouTube channel. Happy kick-off, y’all. 

Image courtesy of Girlsplaining Sports’ Twitter page.

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