Vagina Costume-Clad Activists Fight For Our Reproductive Rights — And It’s Spectacular

by Morgan Gartner

Yes, that headline is correct! It is not a typo! A Brooklyn couple is running through New York clad in spectacular, pink vagina costumes to raise awareness for women’s reproductive rights.

The couple has a website called Conceived in Brooklyn, where you can see their escapades throughout the city and their adventures “vagactivism,” (a term coined by writer Nicholas DiDomizio).

The site states that the couple is partnering with 50 Cents. Period., whose mission is to “empower women and girls in marginalized and vulnerable communities” by creating and funding means by which they can access “resources and services targeting their mental and reproductive health needs.”

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How are they doing this? Well, besides bringing awareness (people seeing a vagina darting through Brooklyn are bound to ask some questions), they are also selling these costumes. That’s right, for the price of $149 you too can be an awesome, human-sized vagina. The couple is giving $10 from each sale to the nonprofit group 50 Cents. Period.


This money goes towards important goals such as to “provide safe-haven, peer-support, and resources to survivors of rape warfare, genocide, and FGM, and to connect them with female health specialists and medical providers.” 50 Cents. Period. also aims to increase access to feminine healthcare and hygiene products as well as women’s health education in women’s prisons.

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So if you’re in the New York area, keep your eyes peeled for the “vagactivists.” Or a costume and support reproductive rights attired in pink velour textured lycra. 

All Images Via Instagram and

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