Tinder CEO Proves App Is Still Sexist In New Interview

by Holiday Black

Whenever I think about Tinder, I just think about a bunch of shirtless goblins whose frothy slobber is dripping all over their glass keypads. I guess it’s more or less universal knowledge that Tinder is a man’s world. So it’s no surprise that the CEOs and co-founders of the app are seething misogynists, probably crazed by money, Monster energy drinks, and women. The company got some flack last summer when a co-founder sexually harassed his ex-girlfriend and former Tinder vice-president. Recently, CEO Sean Rad’s sexism went to superhuman lengths in the most recent edition of entitled tech bro antics in his interview with The Evening Standard.

In his interview, Rad appears to go to desperate measures to win us over as “just a good guy.” He tells the interviewer of his struggle with acne, rattles off an anecdote about how his parent’s got him his first cell-phone as a pity gift. He goes so far as to broadcast the details of losing his virginity at age 17 – don’t worry, he was in love. 

I’m doing everything I can to avoid face-planting into my desk at this point. He told the interviewer that he’s slept with 20 women. I mean, I’m not trying to slut shame guys and that number isn’t absolutely bonkers, but honestly, did Rad drug himself before this interview? Like, what is this? Grown Up Gilmore Girls for Tech Bros? I guess he’s been in four relationships, which, depending who you are, you can interpret as some sort of certificate of hetero Boy Scout level of credibility, but I kind of don’t give a shit. 

As a young woman who struggles to find footing just about anywhere, it seems kind of absurd that someone with so much capital and power feels like he can just frolic around saying the darndest things in the context of a professional interview. The timing of his absurd remarks couldn’t be worse when the company that owns Tinder, Match Group, is set to go public.

He talked about resisting the lecherous tentacles of beautiful femme fatales who are obviously lining up to kiss his feet. He rejected the advances of a “supermodel, someone really, really famous,” who has been “begging him” for sex. “She’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, but that doesn’t mean I want to rip her clothes off and have sex with her,” he said. Oh what a strong man you are, I think you deserve a cookie and a gold medal.

Rad also took the time to personally target Vanity Fair reporter Nancy Jo Sales who wrote a piece about how Tinder has changed the dating landscape for millennials. The article discusses the fact that since hooking up is now so easy, women can essentially Apparate through the Portkey that is Tinder to any given bro’s bedroom. Basically, what she says is that Tinder contributes to unhealthy hookup culture. Rad insinuated that he had taken the time to gather information about Sales, saying that his “background research” showed him that “there’s some stuff about her as an individual that will make you think differently.” Uhhh whoa, creepy much? 

He rallied to his own defense and said that, “Feminism has led to [hookup culture] because now women…are pushing their desires….It’s not because of Tinder.” …oh wow, I guess I didn’t realize the gradual steps we’ve made towards equality meant that anyone can just solicit free nudes from me and my friends at any given moment? Because that’s what dudes on Tinder do, and I have a sneaking suspicion that my wearing jeans instead of a hoop skirt has nothing to do with the pervasive sense of ownership men project onto women’s bodies EVERY DAY.

The cherry on top of the sexist interview? Rad completely confused sodomy and sapiosexuality, a term meaning being attracted to intelligence instead of appearance.

While talking about how he only likes “intellecutal” girls even though his “friends might think [they’re] ugly” (UGH), Rad said, “Apparently there’s a term for someone who gets turned on by intellectual stuff. You know, just talking. What’s the word? I want to say ‘sodomy’?”

When he found out what sodomy actually means, he said, “What? No, not that. That’s definitely not me. Oh, my God.” Which….maybe not the best reaction, dude. 

It’s disappointing when I remember that you can’t simply avoid frat parties with red cups and rampant broism, because we in fact live in bro culture all day every day. I don’t even know. Maybe I’ll just take up permanent residence underneath my covers. 

 Image via gotinder.com

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