This Taylor Swift Parody for VAWA Is Amazing

by Sarah Fonder

After this morning’s news on a Republican-backed gay marriage proposition, it’s nice to know conservative government can surprise us. (Congratulations on being decent human beings, guys, even if you’re probably just trying to avoid the Chik-Fil-A backlash because you’re intimidated by the LBGTQ movement! Here’s a cookie!) Unfortunately, there are still about a million shady bills floating around Washington, and one of them is trying to repeal the Violence Against Women Act. Though 78 out of 100 senators voted to pass VAWA, the 22 naysayers are hoping to weaken it. In order to call attention to this idiocy, The Ms. Foundation for Women wrote a fantastic response in the form of Taylor Swift’s hit “22.” The result is not only a timely parody, but a spot-on criticism of the antiquated politics our government can’t seem to shake off. This video also uses the viral appeal of Top 40 to get something done, which is more than we can say for all those Harlem Shake clips. We hope this spreads like wildfire.

Sign the Ms. petition to pass VAWA here.

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