The Awful Reality of an Athlete’s Wife

by Emilie Branch

Thinking about getting involved with a sports star? Author’s and former partners of famous athletes, Sherrie Daly and Rosa Blasi, want you to read their books before dating a sports player. The books “Teed Off” and “Jock Itch” are meant to serve as a cautionary tale for women looking for this type of man. Rosa Blasi considered herself “addicted” to athletes and has been “athlete sober” for close to 3 years now. “Jock Itch” tells of her relationships with various sports stars, and the trials of each relationship. She caught her hockey player boyfriend with other women; her baseball player boyfriend blamed her for the failure of his career; her football player ex-husband slept with her best friend on their wedding night. She swears she will never date another athlete again.

Sheerie Daly’s “Teed Off” tale as wife of famous golf player John Daly is even more dire. Her marriage was spent fending off the strippers and prostitutes that gravitate to golf players, dealing with her husband’s alcoholism, and coping with his physical abuse towards her. The golf world is a particularly seedy atmosphere. Daly tells of a woman who would give men oral sex if they made it to the “16th hole.” She’d be there waiting for them, and if they gave her $300 she’d take them behind the bushes (right there) for fellatio.

One of Daly’s worst stories involves strippers surrounding her husband at a charity event, during which she was 8 months pregnant. She returned from the bathroom to find naked women surrounding her husband, and reacted violently. This upset John Daly who turned on his wife—allegedly throwing a beer bottle at her stomach, hitting her on the back of the head, dragging her from his car and then leaving her on the side of the road. An even worse altercation happened when he drunkenly tried to rape her; she is accused of trying to stab him, though she feverishly denies this.

In spite of everything Sheerie says she always tried to forgive her husband; perhaps her idea of the fantasy life of a sports wife was so great she let it overpower the grim reality. She says, “I felt sorry for him. I chalked it up to him being drunk and forgave him.” The couple eventually divorced, and now Sheerie volenteers at a woman’s shelter. “’I thought I’d marry a golfer and have a nice family and have a preppy life with kids. The reality is… My twenties kind of got stolen from me and I’m a little mad about that. Being married to a professional athlete is not what you think – there’s a huge price to pay.” 

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