That gum you like is going to come back in style.

by Dawn

Here at BUST, one of our eternal Boy du Jour’s is David Lynch. As the genius behind such classics as Twin Peaks, Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, The Elephant Man and so much more, Lynch has had an unprecedented impact on cinematic history. 

So when I first heard about the new David Lynch documentary chronicling his creative process throughout the making of Inland Empire, I immediately started to plan out my Log Lady costume to wear on opening night. If Trekkies can do it, why not Lynch Heads?

Check out this trailor! 

Like a cup of damn fine coffee…You can see part 2 of the trailor here

It will finally be showing in the U.S. this month and the documentary crew can use your help in getting it out there. Please read this note that they sent out this week:

hi everyone……….. we are getting ready to launch the film in the states and are asking for all of your help in getting the word out. we are a very grass roots operation and are proud of it, but we also understand the downside of this type of promotion——- basically we wont be able to inform everyone we want to unless we can find a way to reach them……….. this is where you guys come in. we will send out bulletins but ask that you forward those bulletins to other myspacers or copy those bulletins and forward them in emails to anyone that you think might want to see this film. we apologize in advance if you receive repeat bulletins but as we all know, if you dont see a bulletin the minute it is posted it can get buried in the stack, never to be seen again.

i guess that is it…….. well, there is 1 more thing……. as we go along in this process we are trying to get the film into as many theaters as possible but sometimes theater owners are hesitant. if you would like to see this film please HARRASS your local art house theater and tell them to contact ABSURDA———- and we will do everything in our power to get the film to you.

THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the LYNCH team

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