Some Asshole Stiffed This Server, But Left A “Tip” About Her Appearance

by Alyssa Spizzirro

If you’ve ever worked in the service industry, you know it kind of sucks. Even if you work at a really cool place, your job is as pleasant as your customers and your wallet is as big as your tip. I know you might have heard this before, but it’s not a myth: Servers survive off of tips. If you choose not to tip, and I literally do not care what the reason is, you’re an asshole.

Non-tippers should be publicly shamed. Luckily, Taelor Beeck is too classy to post the name of the jerkface who refused to leave her a tip at Zombie Burger in Des Moines, Iowa. Instead of anything with any sort of value, she was left with a note that said “tips are only for normal looking people” (via Distractify).

Screenshot 2016 03 21 at 12.10.05 PM

What on earth could this possibly mean? Someone please explain to me what a “normal looking” person looks like? Do they have maybe like, a body and a face? Why do you care what this person looks like? Why would what someone looks like change the fact that they waited on your sorry ass and had to put up with your deranged mannerisms? She literally is just doing her (thankless) job and also existing as a person who is an individual. Not only that, but you’re eating at a place called Zombie Burger. Like that sounds pretty quirky and weird, why would you eat there if you’re a stuck-up assclown?

The company that employs Beeck stands behind her and released a statement saying they believe “that our customers at Zombie Burger value and appreciate individuality and the vast majority of our patrons come to Zombie Burger because it’s unique and special.” Cheers to that!

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