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Rose McGowan Says, ‘I Want To Shatter The Patriarchy’: Sneak Peek At BUST’s Dec/Jan Cover Story

by BUST Magazine



BUST’s December/January 2016 issue is out on newsstands RIGHT NOW, and we’re excited to share you a sneak peek at our cover story in which Amber Tamblyn interviews Rose McGowan about her transition from movie star to feminist troublemaker. This is Rose’s second appearance on BUST’s cover — her first was December/January 2006 — and those 10 years have made a big difference (and not just with her hair).


Here’s a sneak peek of Rose’s interview — to see the full story, pick up BUST on newsstands near you (or subscribe!).

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On the movie that made her say “Fuck this, I am done”:


For me, it was on Tarantino’s [Grindhouse] set — it wasn’t him, he was a cherry. It was all of it. The thing was, there was never really an Option B. And then there was a point when I was wondering, How do I get out of this? On those two [Grindhouse] films, where there was heaping amounts of macho crap going down, I was like, Why am I subjugating myself for some dickhead’s benefit so they can get their rocks off? This is not fun. This abuse  is not fun. All of the women who support this system are not fun. I don’t want to live this way. This means nothing to me. I have dealt with systematic hatred; was held up of an example of what to hate. I was cast in [films about] people’s Madonna/whore issues. It’s not my fucking problem that you have a problem with your mommy. Get over it.


On the downside of her Charmed fame:


I never was good at being a celebrity. I probably could have been a huge star had I given two fucks. But for me, it was like, Oh, I have to play the role of an actress, and then play the movie? OK, cool, let’s go. And then, unfortunately, I got very lost while I was doing Charmed. For my kind of brain, that was like hell, to be honest. I know people have a lot of affection for that show, but for how I like to live my life and for how my brain works…my hair was falling out. I was sick all the time. I gained 10 to 15 pounds. Acting felt like a punishment. It wasn’t an exciting time for me to be outside of my own body and mind, because  my mind interested me a lot more than what was on the page. Most people go to a job and they still have the luxury of having their own thoughts, whereas I was professionally paid not to be me. I hated that. I resented that.

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On building her #RoseArmy:


#RoseArmy is a growing group of likeminded individuals who are pro-thought, pro-intellect, and pro-art. If a man can plant a flag in the ground and say, “These are my borders, these are my laws, these are my rigid, narrow rules within which you have to live,” well, then I can create a virtual world that rejects those beliefs. […] What I want is for every being in the world to be 10 percent more conscious in their lives. I want people to think differently, and I want them to do better. I want to dismantle the status quo and I want to shatter the patriarchy. It is not working for society, and it is especially not working for women. I want us to be equal. I will not rest until it is.


On her advice to women who feel lost:


While you’re enduring crap, arm yourself. Prepare yourself for your new life, the life you’re really meant to live. I don’t mean with a gun, I mean with knowledge. Learn everything you can about the various things that interest you. Be brave. Leap and the net will appear. Your life can be bigger than you imagine.

Photos by Jill Greenberg

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