Pin the Name on the Porno Mag

by Eliza C. Thompson

Ladies and gents, put your thinking caps on! Our own Crafty Lady Callie Watts runs a girly porn magazine called Ligerbeat, but thanks to some boner killers over at a certain teen magazine that sounds a lot like Ligerbeat, the magazine needs a new name, pronto. According to the top brass over at Boner Killer Central, the name Ligerbeat sounds too much like the name of the teen magazine, thus confusing young children who don’t know their alphabet and causing them to look at pornographic images.

But hey, aren’t teen magazines just porn for tweens anyway? What else are those pull-out posters for but little girls’ amateur sex fantasies about getting stuck on a desert island with the Jonas Brothers? Give ’em five years and they’ll want to see a little bit more of R-Patz than just his naked chest.
Ligerbeat Table
Moral of the story — Ligerbeat needs your help choosing a new name! Get on over to their blog and vote for one or submit your own ideas. Real Talk. Dicktales. J-14 Inches. The possibilities are endless.

photos courtesy Ligerbeat

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