Leslie Jones’ Fans Outshine Racist Trolls With #LoveForLeslieJ

by Robyn Smith


Leslie Jones is a talented, hilarious woman, and now that she’s gotten some much-deserved attention from Ghostbusters and Saturday Night Live, the trolls that live under Hollywood’s star-studded bridge have come out to taunt her.

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Thanks for the input, Nero. I think we’ll put that in the jar of privileged white man tears so it can swim around until it drowns itself. Yes, clearly, feminists see themselves as victims, when you go around saying things like this in your review of Ghostbusters: 

“What we are left with is a movie to help lonely middle-aged women feel better about themselves after being left on the shelf. It’s an overpriced self-esteem device for women betrayed by the lies of third-wave feminism.”

After calling Melissa McCarthy fat, Kate McKinnon a drag queen, and Kristen Wiig a low grade Jennifer Aniston lookalike, he had this to say about Jones’ character, Patty:

“Patty is the worst of the lot. The actress is spectacularly unappealing, even relative to the rest of the odious cast. But it’s her flat-as-a-pancake black stylings that ought to have irritated the SJWs. I don’t get offended by such things, but they should.”

In his review, Nero is embodying the comical supervillain that’s in every hero movie: he’s ridiculously conceited, unfiltered, and unapologetically harsh. I want to laugh at how much of a charicature he is, but he’s insulting talented actresses to up his own D-list fame, so instead I’m choking on his patheticness.

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The poorly designed icon to go with it says “Who you gonna call? WEIGHTWATCHERS.”

Screen Shot 2016 07 19 at 12.58.04 PMOn Twitter yesterday, Jones began retweeting some of the awful, racist comments that people have said about her, causing dozens of people to defend her honor. The hashtag #LoveForLeslieJ went viral, and tons of celebrities and fans stepped in to spread positivity to the talented actress.

It all allegedly began with Nero, a well known MRA (which may as well stand for massive Republican asshole). Once his review went viral, a lot of people came out of the woodworks and added their two cents—the hate spiraled deep into the moldy underpits of the bridge, where the ugliest trolls live:

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Sadly, Jones has left Twitter for the time being. We hope she’ll be back though, especially after she sees how much love people from all over the world have sent her.

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