Introducing the Burka Avenger, Pakistan’s Newest Superheroine (Seriously, tho)

by Mary Grace Garis

Meanwhile in Pakistan, a new 3-D, animated children’s show is supposed to debut featuring a crime-fighting WOMAN in – get this – a burka.

In case you couldn’t tell by the title.

 Yes, it’s the Burka Avenger, a mild-mannered school teacher by day and a defender of women’s education by night. She fights villains who are trying to close girl’s schools with pens and books. Are those super powers? I guess they can be. BECAUSE KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

Okay, she’s not Wonder Woman, but it’s a noble cause.

It’s inspiring to know that there’s a show that proudly supports women’s education in Islamic societies. We already have a real-life teen superhero in Malala Yousafzai, but to get actual representation on TV, an entire show based around this concept? That seems major.

The burka itself tends to be a controversial garment, especially in Western culture, where a lot of us tend to see it as oppressive. But in this interpretation, it seems to be a very conscious choice to don this burka. Choice being the key word here. 

Maybe there’s more to life than fighting for fashion? Just maybe, the fight for education takes priority?

 An English-language trailer is below, and to be honest, it’s kind of like an awkward N64 game. It starts with the introduction of “In the quiet land of Halwapur lives 3 kids and a goat” (no comment). But the actual Burka Avenger looks cool, cape flowing in the wind all majestic. So hip. 

Blergh. I sound like friggen’ Carrie Bradshaw in Abu –Dabi. Truth be told I know little about cultures outside the tri-state area and I don’t think it’s fair to pretend otherwise, so let me turn this to you.

What do you think, BUSTies? Looks cool? A step in the right direction for Islamic societies? Still not a fan of the Burka? I mean, it doesn’t look like she wears it in her day job. Progressive?

Let us know in the comments!

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