Female Comedians Get The Last Laugh

by shannon carlin


Remember that time when Christopher Hitchens wrote that whole ridiculous thing about how women aren’t funny? Yeah, I forgot about that too since I’ve been too busy laughing along with all the funny ladies who are staking their claim on the comedy scene.

From Tina Fey and Amy Poehler who get us lizzing every Thursday night to Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy and rest of the bridesmaids who made the prospect of getting food poisoning a lot more hilarious, women are proving comedy isn’t just for the boys.

Case in point, this year’s New York Comedy Festival (running from November 9-13) marks the first time three women have headlining slots at the festival. One of those women, Kathy Griffin (Sara Silverman and Wanda Sykes are the other two) told The New York Post that Tina Fey helped start this female revolution. The rules for what women can do for a laugh is broadening and everyone (including men) are on board.

“What really excites me about Bridesmaids,” Griffin told the paper, “is the fact that so many of my straight dude friends were recommending it to me. They’re not [usually] going to see a chick flick.”

So is Hitchens eating his words? Probably not, but his Vanity Fair rant did lead to a documentary called (what else) Women Aren’t Funny created by female comic Bonnie McFarlane, who was featured on Last Comic Standing, and her comedian husband, Rich Vos. Look out for the documentary next month. 

Griffin believes there’s no need to worry about Hitchens, male comedians like Jerry Lewis (who said in 2000 he didn’t like “any female comedians”) or any other guy who still doesn’t think women are funny.

“I don’t really get bothered by the old fogies who say chicks aren’t funny,” she told the New York Post. “What bothers me is when a currently working executive who signs the checks and makes the decisions about what goes on a TV slate, when those people don’t think chicks are funny. But what’s great is that it’s finally getting to the place where it should be in comedy. Which is: You should be judged on whether or not you’re funny.”

Well put Kathy, well put.

Check out the New York Comedy Festival schedule here. Let us know some of your favorite funny ladies in the comments below.


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