Bye Bye Contraception! Cause God Wants Women to Keep it in Their Pants…

by amanda


Okay America, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. I am sick and tired of you spilling your “religious convictions” all over my nice new pair of CIVIL RIGHTS. I got them in mint condition, on sale for an exceptionally reasonable price, and now, THANKS TO YOU, they are splattered with ridiculous restrictions, based on bad science and arbitrary **cough sexist cough** beliefs. (Sorry, I’m a bit allergic to bull shit.)  


Today, the Supreme Court made yet another decision, that just so happens to endanger the safety and welfare of women in the name of the First Amendment’s Freedom of Religion clause. So now, thanks to the 5 LOVELY conservative justices (and, of course, the heroic efforts of anti choice lobbyers), companies with strong “religious convictions” are no  longer required to cover contraception for their employees (aka just women.)


According to the owners of Hobby Lobby, their freedom of religion had been deeply violated by the right afforded to women by the Affordable Care Act, to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancy- because even when it’s clearly not abortion – it’s abortion. These religious convictions specifically target the Emergency Contraception Pill, or the “morning after pill” which is, in the opinion of non-doctors, a form of abortion, even though actual science ensures, time and time again, that it is NOT (but hey, why trifle over details?). Not only is the EC pill not abortion, it’s actually a really great way for women to prevent pregnancy, and therefore obviate the need for an actual abortion – so why is it that these pro-lifers are so adamant about getting contraception out of the hands of women?


Come on religious saints- why beat around the bush? Stop hiding behind the First Amendment and admit, this isn’t about saving lives, this is about stopping women from freely having sex, isn’t it? Because with birth control, we women have the freedom to be sluts without having to face God’s natural punishment (pregnancy). And for religious conservatives, that is the most terrifying thing imaginable. Ahhh, the slut apocalypse!

So if we’re being technical here, the religious conviction that the supreme court has truly allowed these corporations to exercise was not “thou shall not kill,” but the less widely documented, more often insinuated belief “thou shall not permit a lady to sleep around.”

This is not a victory for freedom of religion advocates. This is a victory for misogynists, and a serious blow to the reproductive rights of women. We can not allow people to use their arbitrary religious beliefs to serve as a legitimate rebuttal against actual scientific evidence, and act as an inconspicuous pretense for preserving antiquated traditions and limiting individual freedoms.


PICS Via appalachianareanews , medical daily, think progress, crass talk, ibtimes

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