‘Bitch Planet’ Packs A Feminist Punch

by Dawn Day

Imagine a world where men dominate and women are expected to fit into the societal boxes arranged for them. Not too hard to picture, right?

Well in Bitch Planet, the amazing feminist comic from the minds of Kelly Sue DeConnick, not following suit with gender role expected of women lands you a spot on a prison planet with the label “terminally noncompliant.” 

“If you are a woman who does not fit in the box assigned her — if you are too loud or too opinionated, or too quiet or too religious, too atheist, too black, too brown, too any of the things that they don’t want you to be — you are labeled noncompliant,” DeConnick told NPR’s Kelly McEvers

Raise your hand if you would be noncompliant. 


Bitch Planet, Volume 1: Extraordinary Machine, the trade paperback with the first five issues of the comic published by Image Comics, was released yesterday. The planet of the terminally noncompliant is referred to as Bitch Planet and takes the shape of a women’s prison, complete with a satirical take on the stereotypical expectations of the setting. DeConnick also described parts of Bitch Planet like “The Obligatory Shower Scene,” where instead of placing the focus on the women, the scene shows the man watching from a hole in the wall during her NPR interview

The sci-fi satire, first published in December 2014, has already garnered a heck of a fan base. The “noncompliant” symbol has become a popular tattoo for fans, and it is literally so badass. The concept of carrying the label “noncompliant” just for daring to be yourself in a world where it is not acceptable to do so is empowering in itself.

Owning the word bitch, showing kick ass noncompliant characters, pointing out problematic treatments of women through satire and pulling more lady readers into the comic world are just the tipping points of why Bitch Planet is a feminist comic gold mine.

Get your dose of noncompliance by in Bitch Planet, Volume 1: Extraordinary Machine, written by DeConnick and illustrated by Valentine de Landro and Robert Wilson IV.

Photos via Image Comics and Instagram/Kelly DeConnick.

GIF via Giphy.

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