Be a Good Human and Get Your Student Loans Paid Off

by Andrea Stopa

This organization will trade your volunteer time in exchange for paying down your student loans. 

Yes, you read that right. SponsorChange has created a mutually-beneficial initiative that provides people power for high-impact non-profits in need, while simultaneously helping to relieve students of their ever-impending debt. 

From the Take Part post on the topic: 

Here’s how it works: Graduates with student loan debt sign up to volunteer at organizations that need manpower. The grads help their community by putting in hours toward that organization’s goals. Then donors who have also signed up at SponsorChange reimburse volunteers by paying down their student loans. So the donors help the nonprofit get free manpower rather than making a traditional donation. The volunteers get help with their student loans—and gain useful work experience along the way.

*Insert hallelujah chorus*

If you’re like me and many other underemployed, or flat out unemployed millennial post-grads, you have done your share of volunteer work, usually under the title of “intern” which could also be called “you will work for free and be grateful for the opportunity.” 

Although the organizations taking part in this initiative are not necessarily as beneficial to your resume as internships with offices in your desired career field, the thought of some amazing angel paying off your debt because you helped to impact a better future feels like a crazy alternative universe that could never exist. 

But it does! All hail trickle-down philanthropy!

SponsorChange is headquartered in Washington D.C., with offices in Pittsburgh and  Chicago – but non-profits all over can sign up to be a part of this program. As a volunteer, you can either request that an organization look into the program, or find orgs already taking part.

Raymar Hampshir is the co-founder of the org, and was the recipient of an award for community service at South by South West this year, for this initiative. Hampshir hopes to get a digital volunteer program up and running in the near future, where graduates can log volunteer hours virtually, via web design, grant-writing, or communications help.

In the mean time, check out their “How It Works” video to better understand the process and watch a cute animation, and click around their website to figure out how to get involved. 

Thanks to Take Part and SponsorChange

 Images via



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