The Ultimate Magic Cold-Fighting Soup!

by Debbie Stoller

Now that the cold season is upon us, it’s time that I share my very favorite cold-fighting remedy with y’all: the amazing super-easy magical garlic soup! My BFF told me about this at least 15 years ago, and I’ve been making it ever since whenever I come down with a nasty case of the sneezies. The basis of its magic is the fact that it’s a pain-free way to get a ton of raw garlic into your system, and, according to (!!!), ‘Scientific research has shown that people taking garlic can suffer less from colds than a control group. There is also plentiful anecdotal evidence that taking large amounts of garlic at the onset of a cold can reduce the time taken to recover. ‘

Read on for the recipe…

Now, I know the idea of making yourself some real homemade chicken soup is the ideal, but when i’m sneezing my face off the last thing I want to do is stand around peeling and chopping and cooking anything at all; I just want to get into my jammies and get into bed. The beauty of this soup is that it can be made in about 10 minutes, and it needs only three ingredients: Lipton chicken noodle soup mix, some fresh garlic, and an egg. Here’s how: CHop up as much garlic as you think you can stand to eat (2 -3 cloves or even more if you’re up for it). Cook up the packaged soup and throw in the garlic, let simmer for about 5 minutes. Beat an egg i a bowl and stir that into the cooking soup, to make it egg-droppy and delicousy. Slurp it up and go to bed. You’ll be feeling much better  the next day!

What are some of your favorite cold remedies?

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