Mia the Mini-Madonna: More Shock than “Awww!”

by Emma Claire Goodman


This is absolutely unbelievable.

Toddlers & Tiaras is a reality show from TLC follows the controversial world of child beauty pageants. It is currently in its fifth season. Regardless of your feelings on the subject, be it that you view the beauty contests to be great fun and take delight in the spectacle, or you feel that they exploit young girls to be fodder for pedophilia, I think we can agree that parts of last night’s episode were…truly outrageous.



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We were introduced to Mia from New Jersey. Two years old and absolutely adorable with her blonde, goldilocks curls. She comes out on stage dressed as an angel. While not a fan of child pageantry, I can be open minded and find her admittedly rather cute.

That is until she rips open her angel gown to reveal…the cones. As Mia struts and prances about, mimicking Madonna’s signature moves, flaunting the gold geometric shapes that give her the illusion of appendages she won’t develop for another decade or so, the crowd goes wild. Mia went on to be the victor of the Universal Royalty Pageant.

Most of us at BUST are with the few audience members at 00:46 who exchange quizzical glances. I myself responded to the clip in a similar manner to Mia’s meltdown at 00:26, love Madonna though I may.

…She’s two.


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