9 ‘March For Science’ Signs That Send A Powerful Message

by Samantha Mercado

This weekend’s March for Science drew crowds of thousands in cities all over the world, from the march’s home base of D.C. to Sydney, Australia. The march had over 600 “Satellite” marches all over the world. The goal of the march was to speak up and protect that values and importance of science which are now being attacked under the Trump administration. The March for Science website says, “The March for Science champions and defends science and scientific integrity, but it is a small step in the process toward encouraging the application of science in policy.”

The march featured the union of both activists and scientists alike to achieve the common goal of promoting science in political policy for the good of the people, and more importantly, for the good of the planet. This union was not so easy or even formed in some of the satellite protests, like the March for Science in Memphis, Tennessee. Activists and scientists in Memphis had a schism over how to organize the protest, where to end the march and most importantly, how much weight politics and partisanship should be placed in their message. In the end, the city ended up with two marches.

One thing was common for the overall March for Science- people and scientists will not stand for facts and research being pushed aside in order to further a political agenda. To get that point across the march featured some badass signs, here are some of our favorites:

marchforscience7Photo via Twitter/@therealezway

marchforscience8Photo via Twitter/@ThatSpanishLady

marchforsciencePhoto via Twitter/@luckytran

 via Twitter/@wecomefromstars

marchforscience6Photo via Twitter/@Botanygeek

C DNrY7VYAAjeiTPhoto via Twitter/@GretaChristina


C DNflLVYAAC6c2Photo via Twitter/@GrettaChristina

C B n XcAA9Ym9Photo via Twitter/@France4Hillary

C CxcSRXkAATwigPhoto via Twitter/@GretchenTG

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