Disney Princesses Fall In Love With Each Other In These Adorable Gifsets

by Hanna Lustig

If nothing else, the Internet loves adorable animals, awkward vintage photos (prime meme fodder) and a nice batch of reimagined Disney princess illustrations. And who wouldn’t? Millions of Americans grow up internalizing every facet of those animated movies – they’re iconic pieces of American culture, like cheeseburgers and Britney Spears’ discography. In other words: Disney movies are very much here to stay, and they belong to all of us.

 Of course, in the original flicks, you won’t spot any same sex couples, much less a two-princess-pairing. But that’s where user simonbaz of Tumblr comes in.

 Yes, friends. Your favorite Disney princesses just fell in love, not with Prince Charming but each other. The world needed these gifsets. It did. We did. 

Check out a sampling below, but go follow simon yourself for more #disneyfemsplash. I highly recommend, because they also include the most *amazing accompanying posts about why they think certain couples would have great chemistry (any opportunity to intellectualize Disney, I am down). 

*but really. 


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