Buy ALL the Cookies!

by Intern Caroline

A video has been making the rounds this week that features a rather hateful Girl Scout calling for a boycott on cookie sales. With an unnerving amount of poise, the girl, who identifies herself as Taylor, goes on an eight-minute diatribe against the Girl Scouts of America protesting the inclusion of a 7-year-old transgender child in a Colorado troop. Taylor’s video (which has now been made private) was posted and circulated by a Houston-based group called Honest Girl Scouts. They claim to be fighting for the safety of troop members, but it seems to me like nothing more than some thinly veiled prejudice. 


Taylor quotes Rachelle Trujillo, Vice President of Communications for the Colorado Girl Scouts, as saying, “If a child identifies as a girl, and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.” I hung up my sash a long time ago, but I’m proud to be a former Girl Scout when I hear about the organization’s progressive policies. Our generation is watching society make huge strides towards equality, but there is still so much ground to cover. There’s no arguing that it’s hard to grow up transgendered, and when an organization offers acceptance rather than dismissal, I think that deserves praise.  I’m happy my cookie money is going towards a group that welcomes girls from all walks of life.  Did y’all know they also partner with Planned Parenthood and Real Life. Real Talk. to offer comprehensive sex education to teenagers? Girl Scouts of America is way more badass than I initially thought, and I would have never known if it weren’t for Taylor’s video!

In a wonderful twist of fate, people are using the rant as a reason to buy more cookies than they normally would. I know I most certainly will end up consuming more Thin Mints than I previously considered feasible (which is a lot). I also plan on sending a message of support to Girl Scouts of America with a donation, and if you think they’re doing a good job, you should too!

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