American Apparel Menstruating Vulva Shirt Compels and Repels

by Kat Hamilton


The online world has been a buzz with photographer, Petra Collins, and her menstrual blood-themed t-shirt. Collins designed the shirt, which is illustrated with a menstruating hairy vagina (vulva), especially for American Apparel. Commentary on the product has ranged from disgust to intrigue to even some who see it as pure feminist genius.

This shirt is cool because it leaves little to the imagination. I think it is a beautiful feminist statement but would I wear it? Well, possibly…

It is an awesome concept and an interesting move for American Apparel, who is notable for its barely size two models posing in psuedo-sex positions. This Vag is certainly not the manicured and vagazzled one depicted in your run-of-the-mill porno.

Collins was quoted in vice saying, “The headline they used was, ‘Does this T-Shirt Graphic Go Too Far?’ Talking to these news anchors is the best. The woman was talking to me in her news anchor voice and trying to avoid saying ‘vagina’ and I would say, ‘Oh, the masturbation, vagina, and pubic-hair tee?’ She had trouble saying it back to me. Vagina is such a scandalous word.”

Maybe more fashion brands adopting images like this could change the standards of beauty one day. That is, if you or I walked around proudly sporting a vagina t-shirt people would think to themselves, “I love my ladybits!”

Do you think it’s a cool statement? Would you wear the Vagina shirt?

Sound off below!


Thanks to Vice

Images via American Apparel

Editor’s Note: 50% of proceeds of Collins’ new American Apparel t-shirt will go to The Ardorous – a platform for female artists that 20-year-old Collins curates.

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