Full Frontal host and former Daily Show correspondent Samantha Bee has been using her time on hiatus to answer fans’ questions in a segment on her YouTube channel called “Letters to Sam.” The fourth installment in this series had Samantha answering the most important question you could ask a satirical political news host: “If you had to be stuck on an island with any of the past or present Republican candidates who would you choose?”
Her answer? Ted Cruz. Why? “Our zesty sparring would keep us alive for longer.”
This wouldn’t be the first time Samantha Bee has butt heads with the former Republican presidential candidate.
When asked about her most embarrassing moment, Bee reminds us that she doesn’t usually get embarrassed. “That’s fairly obvious from my body of work.”
However, she does bring up an incident from her early days on The Daily Show in 2004 when she shouted at Howard Dean, former DNC chairman and governor of Vermont, from a balcony atrium during his presidential campaign until he answered her question. After that? She tried to kiss him on the back of his neck before being blocked by his security team.
Thank you, Samantha Bee, for your strange interactions with politicians and your biting, always hilarious commentary. We love you for it.
Full Frontal With Samantha Bee airs on Mondays at 10:30 EST on TBS
Photos via Giphy, Entertainment Weekly, Youtube
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