You’re having a great time chatting with friends, when suddenly someone says something off-handedly sexist, spurring you into a feminist rant that is awesome but probably not very helpful. Or you don’t say anything, and these kinds of subtle comments or jokes just keep happening. Sound familiar?
We’ve been there, too. Though it’s important to surround yourself with friends whose values line up with your kickass progressiveness, no one’s perfect—we’re all capable of saying something insensitive or offensive. Part of being a feminist is understanding that trying to be a good person and a good ally is a journey, but also knowing that it’s important to speak up. There’s always more for us to learn.
The awesome folks at Moral Courage, in collaboration with Hannah Witton, released this video this week, instructing us how to respond next time someone around you says something sexist (or racist, or homophobic). Though ignorant comments make us all angry, there’s a right way to turn them into a conversation—and to show off how being a feminist means being the bigger person.
Image c/o Morage Courage TV