Get your clutchin’ pearls ready, another star is being raked over the coals for sharing a selfie on social media! Fetch the smelling salts, for I fear I shall faint!
YouTube star Zoella (aka Zoe Sugg ) caused a media earthquake when she uploaded a Snapchat photo of herself in bed. OH MY GAWD. It’s true. But it gets much, much worse.
Several news outlets were quick to bash the 25-year-old star for appearing in her “underwear.” Which, hmmm, is a less-than-accurate description of her outfit, which included a high-necked, long-sleeved shirt and a blanket covering all but a few inches of her waistband, but sure, let’s call that an #underwearselfie.
Are you having stress flashbacks to Kim K’s “internet-breaking” black-bar bikini selfie? I sure am. And while it should be pointed out that in both images, the women being accused of indecency were as covered up as the average beachgoer, we all know that the real issue here isn’t what women are, or rather aren’t, wearing.
As many tweets in the hashtag #WeStandWithZoe are quick to point out, famous men are applauded for wearing less than Zoe was in her Snapchat photo, while famous women become pariahs the second they appear semi-clothed or even fully censored (Hi again, Kim)! Billboards of women in their underwear line every major highway in the US, selling everything from lingerie to burgers to beer, and nobody bats an eye!
What offends and frightens people like The Daily Mail and The Sun is not the fact that a woman is showing skin, but rather the radical notion that a woman is in control of her own body. That’s your cue to clutch those pearls and gasp!
While it may seem frivolous to take a stand on a hashtag over a girl in her underwear, remember that we have to do this every time moral panic breaks out over a girl taking a selfie. Every damn time. Who else is #OverItAlready? Time to kick these #DoubleStandards to the curb for good. I #StandWithZoe just as I stand with every girl, no matter what she’s wearing, and I am 100% #SickOfThisShit.
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