Well hot damn, it’s about time! From years of carrying Band-Aids in my purse, spending ridiculous amounts of money on pedicures and trying to come up with the perfect remedy to heal gnarly bunions and blisters, men will (for one day) grasp the reasoning behind all of my bitching. Walk A Mile In Her Shoes is an organization that will literally make men walk a mile, in heels, to protest sexualized violence against women. The walk educates the public and raises money for local rape crisis centers, domestic violence centers, and women’s services. The walk will obviously serve a great cause and will easily be comic relief for onlookers, where I can I sign up? I’d pay just watch the awkward stumbling. And to all you gentleman participating, good luck finding the perfect pair in your size and may I suggest platforms for maximum stability 😉
Find more info here: www.walkamileinhershoes.org
-Chelsea the intern