The renowned Japanese animation company, Studio Ghibli, has announced that it plans to open a theme park in Nagoya, Japan, and it’s going to be the shit. Founded in 1985, Studio Ghibli’s films have enchanted the world with their intricately vivid animation, inventive plots, and conscientious themes that can be appreciated by anime superfans and newbs alike. Five of Studio Ghibli’s films have received Academy Award Nominations in the United States, and Spirited Away won an Academy Award in 2003 for Best Animated Feature Film. The initial phase of the park will be inspired by director Hayao Miyazaki’s 1988 classic, My Neighbor Totoro, a tale of two girls who move the country and discover a world of unusual creatures and forest guardians. Yas for sisterhood. Another favorite is Princess Mononoke, which follows young warrior Ashitaka’s adventure into the forest to find the cure for a curse and his tumultuous encounter with a girl raised by wolves, San (Princess Mononoke). In this story of human versus nature, Princess Mononoke is the badass bitch that we strive to be – headstrong, fierce, and fearless. Get inspired by the trailer below.
The park is set to open in the early 2020s, so in the meantime:
1) Get that passport ready.
2) Awaken your spirit with their stunning films.
3) Check out Studio Ghibli Fest this summer.
Princess Mononoke Official Trailer:
Photo: Screenshot from My Neighbor Totoro
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