Simply Be, a British clothing store (with sizes up to 32!), has hopped on the body positivity train with its campaign “#SimplyBekini.” The store encourages women to share images of themselves in bikinis to promote body positivity. Plus size model, Tess Holliday, has joined teams with Simply Be to spread the message that yes, plus size woman can wear bikinis too. Holliday even filmed a video for the campaign, showing how to get a bikini bod:
The idea is nothing new: People have been using the slogan, “How to get a bikini body? Put a bikini on your body” for years, but the message is still important. And the awesome news is that women are flocking to join Holliday in showing off their bikini bodies, both in the #SimplyBekini tag and the tag Holliday created, #effyourbeautystandards.
SimplyBe wants you to share your bikini bod on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag “#SimplyBekini.” The clothing store will be picking one person each month from the tag and giving them £100 to spend on clothes.
So go ahead, put on a bikini and be proud. Take a picture if you want, and don’t be afraid to share! You might even win some money, but best of all, you’ll spread some body positivity. And if you need inspiration, check out some awesome women showing off their #SimplyBekini bods below:
Do You Have A Bikini Body? Spoiler Alert: Yes, You Do
F*ck Your Beauty Standards: 16 Body Positive Illustrations To Boost Your Self Love
10 Body Positive Instagram Accounts You Should Start Following Immediately
Image and video courtesy of Simply Be