If you’ve got tattoos, you’ve probably had it up to here with the myriad questions, comments, and assumptions from other people about your body. So now that you’ve finished answering the ever-burning inquiry, “BUT WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEAN?” you can finally focus on this fun, new phrase people have come up with for what happens when you get a random part of your body tattooed. Introducing the “skank flank,” the term (just for us gals!) that refers to your transition into slutdom as soon as the needle hits the skin of your ribcage. Yes, the “flank” AKA slab of meat, is your ribcage. Similarly to the “tramp stamp” label, the “skank flank” stereotypes women’s personal choices based on absolutely no evidence or proven correlation. See also: that term for a slutty tattoo for a ma—oh, wait. Yeah, NOPE, THOUGH.
Will people ever stop trying to limit and control women’s personal choices? No woman wants her piece of artwork to be called by some idiotic, slut-shaming term. I would hate to think that someone would not get tattooed on a certain body part just because of the social connotation that assholes are creating to shame women. Soon we’ll run out of any body parts that don’t deem you a whore once tatted and then tattoos will be for dudes and sluts only. Obviously.
Source: Thoughts on Liberty
Photo via Tattoou