Leslie Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos have a bit of history between them. In July 2016, Yiannopoulos tweeted at Jones criticizing her role in the Ghostbusters remake.
Milo also criticized the way Jones dealt with the twitter hate she recived in response to the Ghostbusters movie and his tweet.
The feud escalated when a fake Leslie Jones profile was made tweeting lewd and racist comments. Many believe that Milo was the one who created the profile since in his screenshot that he tweeted you can see the delete button, which only show up when you are tweeting from a profile you created.
On top of Milo’s tweets and fake profiles, Jones also began recieving hate from Milos followers– so intense that she decided to leave Twitter for a while.
Fast forward to this winter– Jones is among those speaking out against Simon & Schuster’s decision to publish Yiannopoulos’ new book, for which the offensive alt-right figure is receiving $250,000. The publishing company took to Twitter to release a statement in response to the criticism. “We do not and never have condoned discrimination or hate speech in any form,” the tweet reads, going on to say that the opinions and views of the books they publish are not held by the company or its employees but by the authors themselves.
Jones, however, isn’t buying it.
Plenty of others celebs are angry with Simon & Schuster for giving Yiannopoulos a platform to speak; Sarah Silverman and director Judd Apatow have also spoken out.
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